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88.1 The 'Burg mobile application Privacy Policy

Data Collection


Location Data is essential for app functionality

Coarse Location

Information that describes the location of a user or device with lower resolution than a latitude and longitude with three or more decimal places, such as approximate location services.


Identifiers are used for app functionality and Third-party Advertising

Device ID

Such as the device's advertising identifier, or other device-level ID

Usage Data

Usage Data is used for Third-party advertising, KCWU advertising and marketing, Analytics, and app functionality

Product Interaction

Such as app launches, taps, clicks, scrolling information, music listening data, video views, saved place in a video, or song.


Diagnostics is used for Analytics and app functionality

Performance Data

Such as launch time, hang rate, or energy use

Other Diagnostic Data

Any other data collected for the purpose of measuring technical diagnostics related to the app

Term Definitions


Using data to evaluate user behavior, including to understand the effectiveness of existing product features, plan new features, or measure audience size or characteristics

App Functionality

Such as to authenticate the user, enable features, prevent fraud, implement security measures, ensure server up-time, minimize app crashes, improve scalability and performance, or perform customer support

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