The Pacific Northwest (PNW) has some of the most incredible hiking trails in the country. From snow-peaked mountains to never-ending groves of pine, the PNW never ceases to disappoint the avid explorer. After being able to travel to many places, I wanted to share my love for the beauty of this region with you all.
Mount Rainer: 1-hour drive from Spanaway, WA My parents were very adamant on giving my brother, sister and I the proper nature experience as children and Mt. Rainer was one of the most memorable places they took us. The hike we trekked was gorgeous. We were able to fill our bottles up with the extraordinarily refreshing and crystal clear runoff water. Flowers were blooming left and right and honestly; it felt like I was in a movie. I would highly recommend this area for your next date, hike, or whatever you want!

Multnomah Falls: 30-minute drive from Portland, OR During a school field trip, our science teachers let us take a break and explore this gem. A trail provides access to a bridge that overlooks the waterfall. Many people have spitting distance contests here... And if you're up to a challenge, you can go the extra mile (figure of speech, not actual distance) to the very top! I haven't made it that far yet, but I plan to this summer! If you aren't looking for as much of a workout, there is the Bonneville Fish Hatchery/feeding station nine miles away!

Boulder Cave: 35-minute drive from Naches, WA So... the first time I hiked this was at a quite inconvenient season, aka winter. The snow was up to my knees at some parts! It was beautiful, but it was freezing. Of course, I had to go back in the summer and let me tell you. WOW. It was so cool to be able to hike the caves and walk through the stream! I caught a cute frog...AND a cute guy. This place is where I started falling in love with my (now) boyfriend, and I couldn't be more thankful for nature for bringing us together.
Stay tuned for more exciting hike opportunities in part two!